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Writer's pictureMichael King

Enhancing Proprioceptive Awareness in Pilates with Small Equipment

Where Small Equipment Meets Big Discoveries in Proprioception
Transforming Simple Tools into Gateways of Awareness

Today, I'd like to delve into an aspect of Pilates that's close to my heart: using small equipment not just as a challenge, but as a tool for proprioceptive training. Proprioception, or the awareness of body position and movement, is a crucial element in mastering Pilates. Let’s explore how small equipment like miniballs, foam rollers, and therabands can be uniquely leveraged for this purpose.

1. Miniballs for Core Engagement and Balance

The miniball is a fantastic tool for enhancing proprioceptive awareness, especially in core-focused movements. For instance, consider the classic Pilates Hundred. By placing a miniball under the lower back, we encourage students to focus on engaging their centre more to maintain stability. This subtle adjustment not only challenges their balance but also heightens their awareness of the lumbar region and its role in the exercise.

2. Foam Rollers for Sensory Feedback and Alignment

Foam rollers are excellent for providing sensory feedback, which is a key component of proprioception. A practical application is during a Spine Stretch. Here, having the student sit on a foam roller helps them feel their sit bones more distinctly, promoting better pelvic alignment and a deeper stretch. Additionally, performing a Bridging exercise with the feet on a foam roller demands heightened sensory input and control, aiding in the development of a more acute sense of balance and body positioning.

3. Therabands for Resistance and Guided Movement

Therabands add a layer of resistance that can guide movements and enhance proprioceptive feedback. For example, in a One Leg Circle exercise, a theraband around the thighs can help students become more aware of their hip alignment and leg trajectory. The resistance of the band provides a tangible guide to the range of motion, encouraging a more controlled and mindful execution of the movement.

4. Incorporating Small Equipment into Traditional Exercises

It's not just about using small equipment for specific exercises; it's also about creatively incorporating them into traditional Pilates movements to heighten proprioceptive awareness. For example, holding a miniball between the knees during a preparation of the Shoulder Bridge can encourage inner thigh engagement and pelvic stability, enhancing the understanding of these muscle groups' roles in the movement.


In our journey as Pilates teachers, it's vital to remember that our tools are not just for challenging our students but also for guiding them. Through the strategic use of small equipment, we can significantly enhance their proprioceptive awareness, leading to a deeper, more mindful, and ultimately more effective Pilates practice.

I'd love to hear how you incorporate these techniques into your classes and the impact they've had on your students’ proprioceptive learning. Let’s continue to explore and share our knowledge, enhancing our teaching and our students’ experiences.

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