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Pilates Soulful Sunday: Rise Above the Noise

Soar Higher: Let Distractions Fall Away
Rise Above the Noise: Focus on Your Journey

Today is Pilates Soulful Sunday, a day to reflect, take a breath, and put things into perspective. I want to share a story that resonated with me, especially for those moments when it feels like you have a lot going on—whether it's with clients, classes, or even at home.

Picture an eagle soaring high in the sky. As it flies, a crow comes along and starts to peck at it. Instead of wasting its energy fighting the crow, the eagle simply opens its wings and flies higher. The higher it goes, the thinner the air becomes, and eventually, the crow can no longer keep up and falls away.

We can learn a lot from the eagle. It doesn't get distracted by the crow's pecking; instead, it focuses on rising higher. Similarly, in our Pilates practice and teaching, we may encounter distractions or challenges that try to pull us down. Rather than engaging with these negative forces, we should focus on our goals and continue to elevate ourselves.

The distractions might be there at first, but as we keep ascending, they'll eventually fall away.

Don't let them divert your attention. Keep your focus on what's important and continue to rise. Remember, our purpose as Pilates teachers is to uplift and inspire our clients, helping them achieve their best selves.

Let this story remind you to maintain your focus and rise above any distractions. Keep your eyes on the horizon, and continue to soar.

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